Audience Application
USF faculty, staff, alumni & members of the
local community may apply to attend.
Application closes on March 28, 2025.
*USF students have first priority in seating and we will fill remaining seats with those who apply.
Current USF students should RSVP to attend via BullsConnect.
*A BullsConnect account is required. RSVP closes on March 28, 2025.
As an audience member, you will hear speakers from the community share ideas that are worth spreading. You should also expect to participate in community-building conversations. Please make note of the following audience member expectations:
All audience members are expected to arrive on time. If you arrive late, you will be asked to remain in the lobby until an appropriate time allows you entry, when you will be escorted to your seat.
We do not allow audience members to enter or leave the room when a speaker is on stage and we are recording. All cell phones must be silenced and stored away while a speaker is on stage.
No snacks or drinks will be allowed in the auditorium. We will have a scheduled intermission and a post-event reception, featuring appetizers and a signature mocktail bar.